Fulbright-Cottrell Workshop 2018
Fulbright-Cottrell Second Junior Faculty Professional Development Workshop
Berlin, June 18 - 20, 2018
Preparing university professors in the sciences for the future
Target Groups:
- Junior group leaders, habilitated researchers (including junior professors, Juniordozenten, and Privatdozenten), and postdoctoral researchers who are working or planning to work at a German university with teaching responsibilities in the fields of chemistry, physics, or astronomy.
- Academic leaders of German universities.
This second annual workshop aims to gather junior group leaders in the fields of chemistry, physics, and astronomy; their academic administrative leaders at German universities; experts in educational exchange from the Fulbright Kommission; and the Research Corporation for Science Advancement (RCSA) for a unique opportunity to further professional development.
The workshop offers training for junior group leaders in Germany on how to best implement evidence-based pedagogies, integrate research and teaching, use new strategies for communicating science to the public, and develop skills in time management, leadership, mentoring students, and networking. The workshop also engages the academic administrative leaders in Germany in a dialogue on how to leverage professional development for future academic leaders and increase the university's impact on society.
The workshop has the following objectives:
- Apply change theory to promote academic initiatives (new German tenure-track model). We will cover how junior faculty can maximize their chances for promotion by influencing change, and what skills are key for the transition to a tenure-track model.
- Apply communication skills that convince authority figures and rally subordinates: convincing and motivating effectively in an academic environment.
- Develop skills to optimize student learning: applying evidence-based methods on learning that transcend the classroom and aid research success.
- Examine the alignment of the Fulbright-RCSA Cottrell-Scholar Initiative with the 1000 New Tenure-Track Professors German Initiative: debunking the myth of the research-and-teaching zero-sum game. How the top researchers are usually the best educators and can bring universities to a higher level.
- Workshop program - Detailed schedule
- Workshop registration - Complete registration form Registration is now closed
- Workshop venue: Hotel Riu Plaza Berlin - Reserve a room to attend the workshop
- Workshop list of participants - Participants
All questions should be directed to the organizers, who can be reached at specialprograms@fulbright.de
The second evening of the workshop will feature a Trilateral Science Slam at Berlin's legendary SO36 night club.
Trilateral Science Slam on Tuesday, June 19 - Invitation & Information
Please register for the Slam using this link: RSVP at the Deutsch-Russisches Forum website
See brief profiles about the scientist-slammers and their slam topics using this link: Slammers
This workshop is a continuation of the "Bridges to Germany" Workshop, which was held in May 2017 in Mainz as part of the Cottrell Scholar Collaborative. This initiative adapts aspects of two established programs offered by the Cottrell Scholar Collaborative to the German academic landscape: the CSC New Faculty Workshop and the CSC Academic Leadership Training Workshop.
"The workshop was a success!"
"The teaching part was an eye-opener to me."
"I really liked to thank all the speakers/facilitators for the tremendous job that they have done. This was a really great workshop and I hope you find means of offering that for more people."
"I appreciated that the workshop was given be active scientists."
"I liked it a lot. It was a good crowed size and a vary nice panel. Good topics."
The workshop is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Fulbright Commission, which administers the annual https://fulbright.de/stipendien/programm/fulbright-cottrell-award-uni-ausseruniversitaere-forschungseinrichtungen in collaboration with the American Research Corporation for Science Advancement.
Moments from the 2018 workshop

Confirmed Speakers
- Andrew Feig, Wayne State University
- Olga Garcia Mancheño, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
- Kathryn Haas, St. Mary's College
- Christian Hackenberger, Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie
- Ute Hellmich, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
- Rigoberto Hernandez, Johns Hopkins University
- Corinna Hess, Technical University of Munich
- Christian Müller, Freie Universität Berlin
- Ilka Paulus, DFG
- Christiane Reiners, Universität zu Köln
- Silvia Ronco, RCSA
- Steffen Schumann, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- Jairo Sinova, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
- Rory Waterman, University of Vermont
- Carla Frohlich, North Carolina State University
- Jamie Moore, German-American Fulbright Commission
- Olalla Vázquez, Philipps Universität Marburg