Fulbright-Cottrell Workshop 2021

Building Bridges
The Fulbright-Cottrell Workshop, Virtual Edition

Everywhere (virtual), October 14, 2021, 13:30-18:00 Germany time (CET)

Preparing successful academics during and beyond the pandemic

The Building Bridges workshop has been held annually since 2017. These workshops are an initiative that adapts aspects of two established programs offered by the Cottrell Scholar Collaborative to the German academic landscape: the CSC New Faculty Workshop and the CSC Academic Leadership Training Workshop.

The first workshop, "Bridges to Germany", was held in May 2017 in Mainz as part of the Cottrell Scholars Collaborative. The Fulbright-Cottrell Second Junior Faculty Professional Development Workshop took place in June 2018 in Berlin and the third workshop took place in June 2019 in Göttingen. The two latter workshops were supported by Germany's Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The 2020 workshop, postponed to this year, will be in a virtual format. A 2022 workshop is planned to once again be in-person.

This workshop series has the following objectives:

  • Maximizing the chances of junior faculty for promotion by sharing the Teacher-Scholar skills that are key for obtaining a permanent position
  • Teaching effective communication skills at all levels and across levels
  • Applying evidence-based methods on learning in the courses that lead to research success and optimize student learning
  •  Debunking the myth of the research-and-teaching zero-sum game. The top researchers are often the best educators and can bring universities to a higher level.

This year we are holding a special edition in a virtual format. This workshop focuses on the successful lessons and tools from the pandemic to maintain for the future (successful on-line teaching, successful research, etc), and will feature a virtual award ceremony for the 2020 and 2021 Fulbright-Cottrell Scholars. Participation in the workshop is free of charge.

Target Groups:

  • Postdoctoral researchers, junior group leaders, Juniorprofessoren, habilitated researchers, Privatdozenten, and equivalent who are working in the fields of chemistry, physics, or astronomy. Related fields are also welcome to attend.

The workshop offers hands-on training and active educational exchange between the participants and experienced faculty members, academic leaders from the Fulbright Kommission and the Research Corporation for Science Advancement (RCSA). This environment will provide a unique opportunity to further professional development.

The workshop is sponsored by Germany's Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Fulbright Commission, which administers the annual https://fulbright.de/stipendien/programm/fulbright-cottrell-award-uni-ausseruniversitaere-forschungseinrichtungen in collaboration with the American Research Corporation for Science Advancement.

Confirmed Speakers

  • Dr. Andrew Feig, Senior Program Director, Research Corporation, USA
  • Prof. Dr. Carla Frohlich, North Carolina State University, USA
  • Prof. Dr. Rigoberto Hernandez, Johns Hopkins University, USA
  • Prof. Dr. Adam Keith Leibovich, Associate Dean, University of Pittsburgh, USA
  • Jamie Moore, Program Officer, Fulbright Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Dominik Munz, University of Saarland, Germany
  • Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ann-Christin Pöppler, University of Würzburg, Germany
  • Dr. Silvia Ronco, Senior Program Director, Research Corporation, USA
  • Associate Professor Dr. Scott Shaw, University of Iowa, USA
  • Prof. Dr. Jairo Sinova, Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Olalla Vázquez, University of Marburg, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Rory Waterman, Associate Dean, University of Vermont, USA
  • Prof. Dr. Hongbin Zhang, TU Darmstadt, Germany


  • Carla Fröhlich, North Carolina State University
  • Olalla Vázquez, Philipps Universität Marburg