Fulbright-Cottrell Award (Uni/Außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtungen)

The application deadline is March 18, 2025 (23:59 CET).

The award

The start of award funding is July 2025.

With its Fulbright-Cottrell Award, the German-American Fulbright Commission in Berlin (Fulbright Germany) offers a unique opportunity for researcher-educators in the fields of physics, astronomy and chemistry (including biological systems). The Award recognizes outstanding scientists who strive to integrate their research and teaching activities, regarding them as interdependent.  The Fulbright-Cottrell Award thus follows in the footsteps of the US-based Cottrell Scholar Award, initiated in 1994. Read more…

Who can apply?

Junior group leaders and habilitated researchers (including junior professors, Juniordozent:innen, and Privatdozent:innen) working at a German university/research institute with teaching responsibilities in the core programs (Bachelor/Master) of chemistry, physics or astronomy are eligible for the award.

Application requirements

  • German citizenship; in addition and exceptionally, other citizenship if applicant’s “center of life” (Lebensmittelpunkt) is in Germany
  • Completed doctorate in chemistry, physics or astronomy, and currently at a stage in your postdoc phase equivalent to at least one year on tenure track
  • Proven primary affiliation with a German university/research institute at which the project is hosted during the entire award period (3 years)
  • Candidates should demonstrate independence in teaching and research (for example, at least one independent publication and other such independent scientific achievement documented in your application), have strong international experience in scientific research (collaboration in culturally diverse teams), and exhibit interest in both benefiting from and contributing to award-related transatlantic exchange

Project criteria

  • Submitted projects should include a research proposal and a corresponding teaching program, with the aim of simultaneously implementing both components over the course of three years at a German university. The proposed research should describe a fundamental problem and enhance the current knowledge and understanding in the applicant’s field.
  • The teaching program should aim not only to improve instruction within the applicant’s respective department/program, but also to enhance students’ academic success.
  • The submitted projects will be judged by their quality and innovation, feasibility, and long-term perspective. In addition to scientific excellence, proposals should also reflect the applicant’s knowledge of pedagogic concepts, and make use of imaginative, forward-looking teaching and thoughtful learning methodologies. Applicants are encouraged to implement their projects with students in the earlier stages of their academic development.
  • Candidates should demonstrate independence in research (publications, etc.) and teaching, have strong international experience in scientific research (collaboration in an international environment and work as members of diverse teams), and exhibit interest in both gaining from and contributing to award-related transatlantic exchange.

Grant benefits

  • Funding for a three-year research and teaching project in the amount of 63,000 euros, which will be provided in two installments. The official start date of the award is July 1.
  • Travel expenses up to 5,000 euros for transatlantic flights from Germany to at least two Cottrell Scholar Conferences in Tucson, Arizona. Costs will be covered as incurred, as of the award's start date.
  • Inclusion in a growing network of teacher-scholars in the US, Canada, and Germany committed to changing the way research and teaching are integrated.
  • Inclusion in the Fulbright scholars and alumnae:i network.

The award is administered by Fulbright Germany, with funds provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Application procedures & deadlines

The application period for the 2025 Fulbright-Cottrell Award is currently open. You may find application information and materials at

Apply now!

Common inquiries about this award are addressed in the Frequently Asked Questions | Fulbright Cottrell Award.

Please note Fulbright Germany’s privacy policy and privacy policy for applicants to our programs.


Special Programs
Fulbright Germany
Lützowufer 26
10787 Berlin

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